Intentions of an internship

Intentions of an internship

Journey to the ends of HNG

In the beginning there was only passion and now there is HNG and Zuri.

I have just completed the Zuri internship where I got to learn about technologies like Figma, HTML and CSS and Django.

The HNG internship is another opportunity to dabble into the mystic arts of building tech solutions and learning the ways of the Jedi programming masters. I am very hopeful to gain so much from this opportunity as I have always been a big fan of the HNG internship experience. This is my second time of applying.

For the next few weeks I hope to gain from the following opportunities:

1. An Opportunity to learn new skills

The internship will host a lot of tracks with enough experienced mentors that I can learn from. I am very hopeful that I will not only improve in my current track but also learn from the abundance that the internship provides.

2. An opportunity to meet wonderful people

The need for making connection in the tech industry is very important and the internship will host a lot of people that could be the difference between been just an intern and being employed.

3. An opportunity to get employed

There is great joy in being paid for doing something you love. My passion for building tech solutions will be greatly improved and highly rewarding if I get meaningful employment from this internship. I hope that that can be achieved.

4. So much more

There are so much more that can be achieved from an internship and I hope that I can be gain all that it offers.